21st Amendment Brewery
7.0% ABV IPA
This is a great beer. It's a great beer for many reasons. Taste, color, price, container, smell, it has it all. This is an in your face IPA that comes at you in a can. Cracking that can, besides giving you that satisfying sound, lets a hoppy aroma free that few beers can match. This beer simply smells great.
Then you take a sip. This is an IPA, and there is no mistaking that fact. It's an in your face hoppy beer, and it is proud of it. Smooth, and with a nice hop bitterness, this beer is simply delightful. And cracking open a 12 ounce can is something you will do often once you've had this beer. I hate to call any beer my favorite beer, but this is definitely right up there.
It's a perfect beer for whenever you're drinking. Easy to drink, big on flavor, and big on alcohol, this is everything you want in an IPA. and since it is in a can, it's easier to take with you than most bottled beer is. All in all, this is one of my favorite beers, and definitely a must try.
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